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How some Let's Encrypt renewal failures pointed to an AWS traffic hijacking issue

tl;dr A BGP-based feature of the AWS Direct Connect service allowed a third party to inject an incorrect route for an external IP assigned to me, effectively hijacking my AWS-sourced traffic.

Mangatepopo to Waihohonu to Whangaehu to Iwikau

Notes, photos, and maps from a few days in the Aotearoa mountains

What's the word for a large collection of fraudulent web stores?

It started simply enough...

Using Cosign (and Vault and Fulcio and Rekor) to sign binaries

Code signing, what is it good for?

Scones scones scones

One way to pass time during a pandemic

© Jamie Finnigan; opinions my own and not my employers. Built using Pelican. Modified from theme by Giulio Fidente on github.